Affiliate Links & Advertising

If there are any affiliate links in a post I will note them at the bottom of the post.

Any affiliate links I include will NOT ADD to the cost to you, but merely offer a small consideration (pennies or extra points) to me for linking you to the product or service in the first place.

Currently the only advertising that I have on my pages are small affiliate links to amazon, because this is a personal blog and I can't be bothered with the faff involved in adding any more advertising than that. Any links or reccomendations on this blog are things that I would be linking to or reccomending anyway.

I am happy to be approached regarding reviewing any products or services, but please note that I will only review something that I personally feel comfortable writing about and will give my full and truthful opinion (so if I don't like it I'll say I don't and why).

{This is what an affiliate link notification will look like}